Tuesday 10 March 2020

India Vegetables

Vegetable Gardening

India Vegetables
Vegetable Gardening

In India, there are many people who lived in the Urban Area and want to grow vegetables at home, Because they know all the vegetables which we purchase from the market are not safe. More than half of the vegetables in urban area vegetables which they buy are grown in chemical water or the water which is affecting human health
, some people sell vegetables for their own profit they don't want to understand about human health. So, this article will help those people who want to grow vegetables at home or in his garden and also for some farmers who want to grow new vegetables. Many vegetables are grown in India. The time of growing vegetables and planting is different in the region or very from northern to the southern part. Sowing at the right time increases the production of vegetables and also reduces diseases.

People who grow vegetables in the cities often do not have access to information about which vegetable is grown in which month or when to prepare nursery of which vegetable crop. The information given below is beneficial for all those farmers who harvest vegetables.

Vegetable Sowing Time Transplanting Seed Rate(kg/h) Harvesting 
Amaranthus Feb.-July - 02-03kg April-Oct.
Beat Root Oct.-Nov. - 10-12kg Dec.-Feb.
Bitter Gourd Feb.-March - 4.5-6 May-July
June-July Aug.-Oct.
Bottle Gourd Feb.-March - 4.5-6 April-June
June-July Oct.-Dec.
Brinjal Jan.-Feb. Feb-Mar. 0.4-0.5 April-June
May-June June-July Sept.-Nov.
Oct.-Nov. Jan. March-May
Cabbage Sept.-Oct. Oct.-Nov. 0.5-0.75 Dec.-March
Capsicum Nov.-Jan Jan.-Feb. 0.2-0.3 April-May
.June-July July-aug. Sept.-Oct.
Carrot Aug-Oct. - 5-6kg Dec.-March
Cauliflower  - Early Early June July 0.5-0.75 Nov.
Cauliflower -Midseason July-Sept. Aug.-Oct. 0.3-0.4 Nov.-Jan.
Cauliflower  - Late Sept.-Oct. Oct.-Nov. 0.3-0.4 Jan.-March
Chilies Nov.-Jan. Jan.-March 0.5-1.0 April-June
May-June June-July Sept.-Nov.
Cluster Bean Feb.-March - 15-25 April-June
June-July Aug.-Oct.
Cowpea June-July - 1220 Aug-Oct
Feb.-March .April-June
Cucumber Feb.-March - 2.5-3.7 May-July
June-July Aug-Oct.
Dolichos Bean  June-July - 18-20 Oct.-Dec.
Fenu Greek Sept.-Nov. - 30 Nov.-Feb.
French Bean Feb.March - 30-35 April-May
Knol-Khol Sept.-Oct. Oct.-Nov. - Dec.-Feb.
Lettuce Sept.-Oct. Oct.-Nov. - Dec.-Feb.
Muskmelon Jan.-Feb. - 3.7 April-June
Okra Feb.-March - 18-22 March-June
June-July 8-10 kg Aug.-Nov.
Onion Oct.-Nov. Dec.-Jan. 8-10kg April-June
May-June June-July Oct.-Nov.
Peas Early Sept.-Oct. -- 75-80 Nov.-Jan.
 Peas Oct.-Nov Jan.-March
Potato Sept.-Nov. --  - Jan-March
Dec.-Feb. March-April
Radish April-Aug. - 5.5-11 May-Sept
Sept-Oct. Nov.-Jan.
Nov.-Jan Dec.-March
Spinach Sept.-Nov - 20-25 Nov.-Feb
.Feb. March-April
Sponge Gourd Feb.-March - 2.5-3.6 April-June
 Summer squash Jan.  -  7-8  April
April  Aug.
Sept. Dec.
Ridge Gourd June-July - - Aug.-Oct.
Round melon Feb.-March - 3.7-5 May-June
June-July Sept-Oct.
Tomato June-Aug Aug.-Sept. 0.45-0.55 Oct.-Dec.
Nov.-Dec. Dec.-Feb April-June.
Turnip Oct.-Nov. - 2.5-3.5 Dec.-March.
Watermelon Jan.-March - 3.7-5 May-June

I hope you will satisfy the above information regarding vegetable farming in India.


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