Saturday 2 July 2022

Cultivate Azolla in the paddy field


Paddy occupies an important place among the crops grown in Kharif season. Paddy cultivation is the predominant practice in many states. If Azolla is also

Friday 1 July 2022

The smell of tea of Chhattisgarh is spreading in the country


The tea of ​​Assam and Darjeeling is known all over the world. Now the cultivation of tea in Chhattisgarh has attracted the attention of the world. Chhattisgarh, famous for the cultivation of paddy, is now being discussed about the cultivation of tea

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion

Best onion Variety | Hybrid Onion | Panchganga | Ellora | Prashant | Pyaz | Onion
You will get about information about the onion variety. The onion variety with characteristics. The hybrid and high-yield onion variety.

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?

Organic Farming | What is organic Farming?
You will get information about organic farming. Full details about organic farming. All information related to organic farming you will get in this video. like What are the key features of organic farming? What is organic farming in simple words?

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