Cotton is a major fiber crop in India. The most growing states of cotton are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, and Karnataka. Mostly cotton is grown in 12 states of India during Kharif.
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When we talk about cotton cultivation and thought about the nutrient some questions came in our mind.
What nutrients does cotton need to grow?
Cotton Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms?
Cotton Nutrient Requirements and how to do Management?
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During this crop cultivation farmers have to face a problem regarding nutrient management. Because generally there are three nutrients that we will supply to cotton and thought they were enough for it but there are many other essential nutrients that need the cotton for their life cycle. This article will help you to identify which nutrient is deficient in cotton crops and how to manage it.
1. Nitrogen:
Nitrogen is one of the key nutrients in cotton production. Every plant shows nutrient deficiency symptoms so that a farmer can fulfill his requirements. So the nitrogen deficiency plant’s older leaves start turning in yellow color. The plant growth is stunted with few vegetative fruiting branches. By seeing them we can say that there is nitrogen deficiency in cotton.
You can control this deficiency by applying a 1% foliar spray of Urea or 2% Foliar spray of DAP. You can apply direct apply nitrogen without liquid form but the result of foliar is more high and quick as compared to the broadcasting of Nitrogen in the form of Ammonium Nitrate and Urea.
2. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is the second key nutrient for every crop includes cotton. Deficiency symptoms of this nutrient first on lower or older leaves and further upwards on a stalk. The plant is dark green and stunted in growth where the blooming and fruiting delayed.
You can control this deficiency by applying a 2% Foliar spray of DAP.
3. Potassium
Potassium is the third key nutrient in the cotton life cycle. During the deficiency of this nutrient cotton older leaves are chlorotic, droopy and cotton plants have yellow spots between the veins the edges turn yellow then brown curt downward and die at last. The leaves were brown-reddish, a tip of leaves is curl and breakdown.
You can control this deficiency by applying a 1% Foliar spray of KCl.
4. Calcium
Calcium is another essential nutrient required for their lifecycle. During this deficiency the cotton crop affected during the maturity stage or large plants and some time at fruiting forms. The leaf of cotton was crinkle and the growth of root was poor. The upper leaves and boll of cotton were dry.
You can control this deficiency by apply gypsum 50 kg/ha to soil.
5. Magnesium
Magnesium is also important to the cotton crop. During the deficiency of Magnesium the cotton plant leaves are reddish and the veins remain green or leaf cupping and intervening chlorosis and it starts in young leaves.
You can control this deficiency by applying a 1% Foliar spray of MgSo4.
6. Sulfur
Sulfur deficiency is the same as nitrogen but you can see on younger leaves they were pale green to yellow and the nitrogen is on the bottom and older leaves. The cotton plants were small and spindly with short, slender stalks by which you can identify a sulfur deficiency.
You can control this deficiency by applying a 1% Foliar spray of MgSo4.
7. Iron
Iron is also important to cotton and deficiency symptoms show yellowing of top cotton leaves by following irrigations.
You can control this deficiency by FeSO4 @ 5 kg/ha to soil or a foliar spray of 0.5% FeSO4.
8. Boron
Boron plays an important role in fruiting and blooming. Boron deficiency in cotton shows Short leaf petioles with dark green rings. In the excess amount of shedding of buds and young bolls found boron deficiency. Also small bolls, and delayed maturity and terminal buds dying due to deficiency of boron. Black, dry bolls, young leaves becoming thick and brittle with water spots are symptoms of boron deficiency.
You can control by borax 0.5 kg/ha to soil or foliar spray of borax 0.2% in cotton shows effective control.
9. Manganese
Due to deficiency of manganese deficiency the top leaves becoming yellow and veins are similar to green and yellow other leaf parts. This will show symptoms on the top and bottom leaves of the cotton plants.
You can control this deficiency by FeSO4 @ 5 kg/ha to soil or a foliar spray of 0.5% FeSO4.
10. Zinc
It is the last nutrient deficiency commonly found in cotton plants in which interveinal chlorosis different from manganese but related some leaves deficiency of manganese in which tips of leaves elongated and parallel. Both cotton plant old and young leaves show red pigmentation on leaves in which loose of green color and turns into golden yellow. Brown spots on leaf tips to the base and later the leaf will dry. A Cotton plant also shows a shorter appearance.
You can control this deficiency by apply ZnSO4 5 kg/ha to soil or soil application or a foliar application of ZnSO4 1% shows effective control in cotton.
These nutrient deficiencies, symptoms and their management will help you to increase production and improve the quality of cotton. I hope You will be aware of cotton nutrient deficiency and management. Thanks For visiting us. Please submit your comment on any query and support from our side.
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